Charlie Oross’ G$D Journey

From Saving Lives To Saving Businesses | Charlie Oross’s G$D Journey To Becoming A 6 Figure Earner

How does one go from saving lives in a hospital to saving businesses and building a successful business themselves in just 6 months?

Meet G$D rockstar, Karoly-Charlie Oross. The man can do it all. When we first met, Charlie was working full time at a hospital while running a digital marketing agency on the side.

In his search for finding more information about running an agency, Charlie came across the G$D program and his journey with us began. Now 6 months later Rahul and Charlie take a look back at how Charlie was able to build a 6 figure agency practically from scratch in less than 6 months.

From Part Time Digital Marketing to Part Time Hospital Employee & Full Time Agency Owner:

Joining the G$D program helped Charlie build a sustainable business. One where he could use the same systems and processes over and over to drive reliable results. Where in the past he struggled to generate new leads, now Charlie keeps his calendar full of booked calls his quality leads.

Over just the last few months Charlie has closed multiple high ticket, long term deals. In the past month alone he closed multiple $12k contracts with 6 month commitments.

Life Changing Results:

Today Charlie has a team that is there to help him bring his ideas to life. He is no longer trying to tackle every aspect of his business on his own. AND he is closing more clients than he ever has before.

Charlie joined our group determined to make a change in his life and in his work. He took action, he implemented everything he learned, and he drove massive results.

And the best part for Charlie: he gets to spend more time with his family than working at the hospital could ever allow

Ready to Start Your G$D Journey?

Charlie is just one of many students of ours who have been able to scale their passion for digital marketing into a successful business. If you are ready to make a change, treat your business like an investment, and get results like Charlie — don’t click away and kick the can down the road, that’s too easy to do.

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